News: Central Winchester Regeneration archaeology update – online meeting and open morning

Tuesday 18 July 2023
We’re working with archaeologists Pre-Construct Archaeology who are undertaking early evaluation work and trial trenching on parts of the Central Winchester Regeneration (CWR) site – trenching began on Monday 17 July.
PCA at work during the Central Winchester Regeneration evaluation (trial trenching)
PCA uncover what they believe to be an alleyway shown on the 1st ordnance survey maps
The work has already revealed a section of what PCA think is “an alleyway that ran behind the gardens of a terrace called Forder’s Buildings, which is first shown on the 1st Ordnance Survey map of 1871 and on maps up to the 1960s, when the winds of change swept away remnants of Victorian housing from the heart of the city”.
To coincide with The Council for British Archaeology’s annual Festival of Archaeology (15-30 July), there are two events where you can find out more.
On 26 July at 2pm, PCA joined the CWR Archaeology Panel to discuss the project including what they hope to find and any finds so far. The panel will be joined by Keith Wilkinson from the University of Winchester who updated attendees on the radiocarbon dating the university has undertaken. There was a panel discussion and opportunity to ask questions too.
On Saturday 29 July, between 10am-1pm, PCA will be holding an open morning where attendees can view any finds discovered so far and then visit the site of trench 1 (next to Coitbury House). Meet at the PCA Gazebo in Abbey Gardens anytime between 10am and 1pm.